Jason just posted this flowchart.
Often asking for help is being lazy, isn't it? Whether it's troubleshooting a computer or figuring out what to do with some other problem in our lives or ministries, we like the expert (or pastor) because we can just ask them what to do, rather than troubleshooting.
This is bad because:
- We should treasure experts and only use them when we need to.
- We should treasure experts and therefore not distract them from focused, high level work, rather than constantly distracted with low-level work.
- Often the problem is just a freak problem and there is noone who knows an obvious answer. The expert doesn't know the answer, they are just gonna be quicker and decisive than you are. Quit wasting their time and learn to be fast and decisive yourself.
- We should seek to expand our own abilities and problem solving skills, and troubleshooting is one way to do this.
- 'Delegating upwards' to more skilled people is just ugly and ruins chain of command. Denzel Washington wouldn't approve.