Kick your wife out

I got kicked out of Tassie the other day to go to Melbourne to spend a few days with my beautiful sister Kate. Mike strongly believes in me having a holiday by myself at least once a year, but I find it really hard to get the motivation to to it, so Kate booked, paid for and emailed me my wouldn't have happened otherwise, I just get too caught up in all the stuff I have to do.

For some reason I always feel a bit lost if I spend more than a day away from my little family, but its really awesome to be forced to remember that my worth isn't primarily in my role as a wife or mother or servant of the gospel at Crossroads. Following Fiona Haynes elective at the Womens Winter Festival on "what makes you valuable", I kept on telling myself that I'm valuable because God made me in his image and I'm made to glorify him. If all of my "life" was taken away: Mike, Xavi, Star, my ability to cook and clean, my friends, my family...everything, as awful as it would be, I wouldn't be any less valuable at all.

Its so nice to be home, but I'm coming home less tangled up and confused, more determined to love God by loving my family and the people around me.

That said, I'm totally exhausted (as usual at the moment), but I've been totally spoiled by coming home to happy kids, a spotless house, a freezer full of soup, a scrubbed and re-organised laundry and a big fat cheque from the tax office that I wasn't expecting at all.

I'm curious, how do you get away from everything to clear your head and get separate from your to do list?