Blogs are free, I know that. But people who write blogs put a lot of time into them.
I’ve been blogging since 2006. And have recently been back into the groove of blogging daily. It can be a therapeutic pensieve for me, but I know that it is a pleasant diversion and positive help to many of you who write and tell me (and I trust many others who have never written/commented).
But it does take time and effort and energy to keep it up. I have seen many blogs fire up for a time and then disappear. It’s a challenge to keep going. It is something I have chosen to invest in. And something I trust is of genuine value.
Since 2010 I have been working as a missionary with AFES, leading the University Fellowship of Christians at UTAS in Hobart and overseeing the broader AFES Hobart staff team, including the staff of FOCUS and Sam Green and his Engaging with Islam ministry.
All AFES staff are funded through the missionary support of organisations and individuals like yourselves.
So I ask you, if you have benefitted from Christian Reflections, to consider investing in it, by making a once-off donation towards my ministry support here.
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