This article is awesome. It's kind of the MTS manifesto and it's radical and obvious all rolled into one:
A 'training strategy' on the other hand, increases the number and effectiveness of gospel
communicators, both personal and public. A training strategy will raise up more speakers and so
increase the number, variety and effectiveness of events. Events can be used to train workers. If all
members are offered some training in evangelism, more unbelievers will attend our events. It is a
strategy of chaos and inconvenience. It takes time to train evangelists and these young evangelists
will build their own ministries as they preach the Word. We are no longer in control of the program. As
the gospel is preached, Christ by His Spirit gathers his people into all kinds of fellowships which don't
fit our neat structures.
One of many articles and videos that are starting to populate the Geneva website. Perhaps you should:
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