This is something I have become persuaded of over the last few months.
You see, I used to think that every time is a good time for leadership training. And in a sense that's right. But there is a season for everything under heaven. And there is a time when leadership training must not be the main focus.
In the early days of church planting, you don't need more leaders. Not at first. You have a leader: the church planter. In the early days, what you really need is a team of welcomers, treasurers, musicians, personal evangelists.
In future, instead of gathering a group of leaders to talk and traing about leading, I will be spending your time every week meeting with these people, sharing my vision with them, debriefing with them about how they are doing their jobs.
If you establish these non-leadership ministries really well early on, then you will be freed up to focus on leadership development later on.