Phillip Jensen continues to engage with Driscoll's theses: the Holy Spirit

This video begins with the "you don't believe in the Holy Spirit" point. He gives a great defence of the Word/Spirit theology and also does a great job of teaching us about good preaching rhetoric.:

No (laughter).... Great preachers have a way of goading you... I suspect 'afraid of the Holy Spirit' is a red rag to see if the bull will rise... what he's wanting to say is: 'There's a ministry of the Holy Spirit that I believe in that I don't think you believe in and I think you're scared and I think you're wrong.

"Your Trinity is Father, Son and Holy Bible":

He doesn't mean it to be rude and offensive. It's an attention getting device. I wasn't offended. But I think he has a complete misunderstanding of Sydney Anglicans. He thinks we're cessationists.... I think he missed the target completely.

"You are so reactionary to Pentecostalism that you don't have a robust theology of the Holy Spirit":

Because we do have a robust doctrine of the Holy Spirit we react against Pentecostalism.