- Everyday experience. Creative writing workshops always urgent writers to carry a pen and paper with them everywhere, to help them be alert to potential material wherever they go, and be ready to capture it.
- Drawing out the content in the passage you are preaching on.
- Other parts of the Bible.
- Faux-etymologies: ‘dunmis’ is the word from which we get ‘dynamite’ from. This is poor exegesis but makes for colourful illustration. As long as you are clear that you are not doing exegesis.
- From current events.
- From literature, songs, movies or pop culture.
- Nature and science.
- History.
- Popular level Christian books - often they are really just sermons turned into book form, so they have good illustrations.
- Dictionaries of quotations.
- Sermon illustrations websites.
via Blog - Christian Reflections http://genevapush.com/blogs/xian_reflections/sermon-illustrations-part-4-where-to-find-illustrations (NB: to comment go to thegenevapush.com/xian_reflections)