I see these in my own life, and as a parent, I see them in (some) of my kids:
- Resenting and resisting your human frailty: sickness or tiredness. Fighting against them and becoming depressed when they fail you.
- Inability to express personal preferences (what others might called ‘needs’) when it comes to matters of human frailty.
- Taking yourself too seriously.
- Dwelling on failure and criticism. Focusing on failures in something that is generally successful.
- If something throws you off, your whole day feels ruined. If a day gets written off, the whole week feels ruined.
- Always going fast, always doing several things at once, always ‘on’ socially, always getting things done now so they don’t need to be done later.
- Inability to see seasonal ebbs and flows in life: living in a constant now.
- Frustration, anger, or lack of motivation or joy with things you are not really good at.
- Frustration, anger, or lack of motivation or joy with things you don’t have clear instructions for.
- Impatience, or demonising, or criticising those who don’t function in the same way or at the same pace.
- Reluctance to submit to the leader or plan of someone who seems less competent than you.
- Paralysis and sulking when you can’t see how to do something well.
- Reluctance to ask for help, ask for mercy or ask for advice.
- Expect more of yourself than you would ever expect of others.
- Shouldering the responsibility for everything.
via Blog - Christian Reflections http://genevapush.com/blogs/xian_reflections/emotional-sins-of-highly-driven-people (NB: to comment go to thegenevapush.com/xian_reflections)