- MTS: Because, in order to plan dozens and hundred of churches we need to keep recruiting and strengthening the next mob of church planters. We need a 'ministry training strategy'. None of the problems you have with MTS are integral to MTS. Most of your problems with MTS are due to misapplication or poor application of MTS.
- AFES: One of the major reasons we have such a bumper crop of people passionate about church planting today is because of twenty years of hardcore student ministry in Australia. If we want to last beyond this crop, we need to keep enlisting future leaders from the uni campuses. Moreover, AFES done properly is always primarily evangelistic and we must keep our evangelistic edge.
- Bible Colleges: This is one of the wonderful and unique contributions that we can offer to the world evangelicalism. We should not be ashamed of our theological distinctives and acumen, but rather channel them to serve others and deepen our missionary fervour. Anyway, I am convined that neither the internet nor the emerging church will ever sideline the campus-based seminary.
We would be shortsighted and faddish if we let these things diminish because church planting is the Beyonce of the moment.