The red thinking hat is emotions. What does uni ministry make me feel?
- Bored. It is a predictable ministry for young, progressive evangelicals. Another training course. Another opportunity to point out the inconsistencies of secular humanism. Another
- Thankful. God has converted, strengthened and motivated so many people; many people I love dearly and many people who have influenced me deeply.
- Exhausted. The thought of ringing up 150 first year uni students to encourage them to come to the welcome BBQ. The thought of filling out 10-page-long tables of Bible verses at Mid-Year-Conference. The thought of attending the 10-day National Training Event in Canberra in December each year which includes a 5-day 'mission'
- Relieved at doing ministry without the creche roster, music team or Session meeting.
- Sad when it does not bear fruit.
- Baffled when Christians don't get involved in their CU while at uni.