I have introduced a few new rules into our public meetings about guest missionary slots or other guest slots, be it someone from the Bible Society or whatever:
- No longer than 3 mins. We have very few things in our meetings that run longer than 3 minutes. Guests often go fror 7mins or more. This is disproportionate, and rarely helpful. A guest is going to have as much success in generating interest and raising awareness with my church in 3mins as they are in 7mins.
- No more advanced technology than we normally use. If we don't use video regularly, they can't. If we don't use powerpoint regularly, they can't. At the moment we do neither, so neither can they. This is because:
- Our tech support are not well-practised at using this stuff, so it's a big risk.
- I can't be sure that the production values of our guest will be high or not. I don't want dodgy videos filling up time in our meetings, doing a disservice to our guest's cause. If we have a policy, I don't have to say this stuff!
- It is jarring for the general tone, vibe and style of our meetings to have sudden jumps in technology.